Answers to Frequently-asked Questions about Restumping a Home

Are you faced with the task of restumping or reblocking the foundation of your home but clueless about the process? The latter is a lot of work and one that requires a high level of expertise that goes well beyond the reach of even the most determined DIY enthusiast.

Answers to Frequently-asked Questions about Restumping a Home

 Restumping is when old wood stumps are removed from below your home and are changed with a more powerful supporting stump. A firm foundation for your home is the key to a long-term renovation. A trusted restumping or reblocking expert will guarantee the job is done correctly and following the highest standards which in turn adds to the value of your home.

In this post, we go over the answers to some of the most common questions people have about restumping their home.

When do you know your home requires restumping or reblocking?

You might see your floors sloping; doors are …

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