Basement Finishing - The MOST Important Question

Basement Finishing – The MOST Important Question

What is the central question just before employing a contractor for your basement finishing project?

Believe it or otherwise, the key question may also are the least asked: Do you carry Worker’s Compensation Insurance?

Why on earth would that be the key question?

If you engage a contractor to function in your home, you will be legally liable to buy medical bills and a day off if he gets hurt. It doesn’t matter if he could be licensed, unlicensed, a sole proprietor, an official of your corporation, a bum over the street, or possibly a millionaire – YOU are “the boss.”

Regardless of who your basement finishing contractor is, in the event you pay someone to function at home, you are an “employer” under workers’ compensation law.

As the party providing “employment,” you happen to be also responsible for providing compensation if someone is hurt at your residence.

Who would

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Basement Finishing - The Cost of a Mistake

Basement Finishing – The Cost of a Mistake

If you’re considering a basement finishing project, one thing you might be questioning right this moment will be the important things about a professional basement plan. In any major construction project, this is regarded as an utter requirement. In fact, without professional plans stamped by way of a licensed architect and/or engineer, you’ll be also struggling to obtain a permit! But with a basement finishing project, many owners think the size and style and complexity in the project doesn’t warrant construction plans.

Well, consider this to be…

Your basement finishing project will probably involve the efforts of 50+ individuals: you, your basement finishing contractor, his employees, and subcontractors, designers, city officials, etc. Your vision for your finished project is paramount in importance towards the vision of the others. Yet without plans that can effectively communicate this vision, you take the potential risk of being disappointed.

Another consideration could be the …

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